The eSENtial Theatre Company
A theatre company for children and adults with additional needs and disabilities and the home education community.
What is The eSENtial Theatre Company.
We are a not for profit community interest theatre company aimed at children and adults with special educational needs and disabilities. We have fun playing drama based games, exploring age relevant ideas and creating our own drama pieces in groups to perform at the end of the year. Adding singing tuition too. This is a group run by the children and adults attending. They come up with ideas of what they would like to do with guidance from the tutors. What we aim to do with the theatre group is primarily drama based to start with and a small amount of singing. It will be fun and interactive with a safe zone with bean bags, soft and weighted blankets for any children that find it difficult and if their senses are overloaded. We also run a home education drama club for home educators to enable them access to learning through drama in a relaxed way.
Why are we doing this?
Having 5 children with ASD and ADHD myself 3 of which are home educated, there is very little if anything locally that suits their needs. I have run The Academy Performing Arts based in Tenterden for the past 5 years and have many years experience working with children. Our Saturday classes are fully inclusive and over 30% of our children have additional needs. They have asked for something to do during the week after school where they can be with like minded children who, through no fault of their own, sometimes struggle to "fit in". So The eSENtial Theatre Company is for every child to express themselves safely in a way they are comfortable with whilst challenging them at the same time.
Our Aim
Our aim is to help break down social barriers and improve the lives of vulnerable children and adults by improving their confidence and self belief and building on their love for drama and singing. We work with the children and adults in an environment where they can achieve their maximum potential and most importantly have FUN!